




The project annotation- the objective of MISS4Health project is to improve competences in soft skills for healthcare professionals and students using a modular Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) based on micro-credentials at the EU level that certifies these competences. MISS4Health includes four work packages covering curricular design, content creation, micro-credentials establishment and interactive resources implementation, as well as a double loop validation that assures the overall quality of the MOOC. Additionally, management, quality, dissemination, and sustainability plans will conduct the project and contribute to its widespread impact. And finally, several intangible results will be obtained, such as feedback and motivation of end-users and stakeholders.

Project title: Micro-credentials in Soft Skills for Healthcare Professionals and Students
Project No: 2023-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000159335
Project coordinator: University of Hradec Králové (Czech Republic )
Contact person at VMU: Assoc.prof. Estela Daukšienė, estela.dauksiene@vdu.lt

prof. A. Volungeviciene,  airina.volungeviciene@vdu.lt

Project run: 30 months (November 2023 – April 2026)
Project budget: 400.000 EUR
Project page: https://miss4health.eu/


  1. CCMIJU – Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón (Spain)
  2. CUNI – Charles University (Czech Republic)
  3. VMU – Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
  4. TU – Turiba University (Latvia)
  5. UNIRI – University of Rijeka (Croatia)
  6. VIRAL Studios (Spain)

Project result:

MISS4Health will produce a high quality and validated MOOC based on micro-credentials. Besides, learning materials including guidelines and recommendations will be created. Additionally, management, quality, dissemination, and sustainability plans will conduct the project and contribute to its widespread impact. And finally, several intangible results will be obtained, such as feedback and motivation of end-users and stakeholders.

The first meeting of the MISS4Health project took place

First face-to-face international meeting of the Miss4Health project in Kaunas







The aim of the project is to develop OER course modules, conveying digital teaching and learning methods of online collaborative learning in a blended learning context for educators in higher education (HE), aiming to increase the capacity and readiness of HE institutions to manage an effective shift towards digital education.

Project title:  Open Educational Resources for Collaborative Online & Distance Education and eXchange


Project No: 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000023196
Project coordinator: Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany
Contact person at VMU: Assoc. prof. dr.  Aušra Rutkienė, ausra.rutkiene@vdu.lt
Project run: 36 months (28/02/2022–27/02/2025)
Project budget: 324 285 EUR
Project page: https://oer-codex.fh-krems.ac.at/


Project partners:

  1. Evro-sredozemska univerza, Slovenia
  2. Vytautas Magnus university, Lithuania
  3. Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany
  4. IMC Fachhochschule Krems, Austria


Project results: The OER-CODEX project results can be distinguished in three types:

  1. A methodology to develop OER courses is developed with all partners, which will be openly available for all educators, who already have experience in digital learning and teaching methods and also want to develop OER courses to further strengthen the use of digital tools and therefore shift towards digital education. Furthermore, this methodology includes a special aspect that in the developed course modules also exemplary OER content is created with educators as a core output, which itself will be OER and therefore readily available for all interested educators to be used freely.
  2. The developed course modules: All course modules are structured within the areas of the EU DigCompEdu framework and therefore are directly fitted to the objectives identified by the EU. As these modules are also aimed to increase the competency levels of educators form A1 (Newcomer) to B1 (Integrator), the educators will have the defined competencies after successfully completing the respective course.
  3. The OER output of selected course modules: As the course modules are designed to generate OER output collaboratively with the participants in the direction of the taught learning content, the piloting of these courses will generate OER output, which can be published as an OER as well. Furthermore, each time one of the course modules is taught, it will generate a different OER output and therefore increase the available variety of OER content for educators looking to engage in digital education and therefore developing digital readiness, resilience and capacity independent from institutional support. Higher Education Priority: Stimulating innovative learning and teaching practice As this consortium is a well-balanced mix of higher education institutions from 4 different nations, it is capable of engaging in interconnected higher education systems and with the designated OER content of course modules and generated OER output in these courses, we are developing the digital skills and competences of HE educators. As this is a concrete effort to foster virtual and blended learning by giving the educators the expertise and tools for digital education, we stimulate innovative learning and teaching practices in HE. Experienced educators are also giving a methodology with which they themselves can develop OER course modules for digital education. This also leads to a new impulse for the spread of digital education. Furthermore, we give the educators concrete exemplary OER content, which can be used freely from the start of their efforts to implement digital education. This gives the educators a concrete idea on which the further development of their own blended courses can be based.

OER-Codex project meeting at VMU in Vilnius

OER-Codex courses “Digital Resources” and “Case Study Design” were presented at an international dissemination event

Final OER-Codex Project Conference






The project aims to provide individuals with a practical education and tools to be much more equipped against major global environmental problems specifically against climate change and public health.

Project title: LeMOON– Love Earth to the Moon and Back : Development of ECurriculum
on Climate Change and Environmental
Education for Secondary Education Students in Online
Learning Platform
Project No: 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-SCH-000034484
Project coordinator: Tauferova střední odborná škola veterinární Kroměříž, Czech
Contact person at VMU: Dr. Estela Daukšienė estela.dauksiene@vdu.lt
Project run: 36 months (11/2021– 11/2024)
Project budget: 352 263 EUR

Project partners:

  1. Tauferova střední odborná škola veterinární Kroměříž, Czech Republic
  2. Manisa İl Afet ve Acil Durum Müdürlüğü, Turkey
  5. ACD – Agency for Cultural Diplomacy (Agentur für Kulturdiplomatie), Austria
  7. Móðurmál – samtök um tvítyngi, Iceland
  8. Lycée Louis Jouvet de Taverny, France

Project Results (also available in LeMOON project website):

  1. e-Curriculum Program: Le_MOON will design a future oriented climate change and environmental education e-curriculum to be implemented through online educational technologies which will better meet the needs of individuals. The achievements of the current programs will be tailored into our e-curriculum according to our target audience and changing environmental conditions.
  2.  e-learning platform: It is a digital platform where the project works will be implemented and the outputs shared (information, trainings, deliverables and resources). Anyone interested will be able to easily access that digital environment and use it as an OER (open educational resource). This platform will both serve as a digital portfolio to share and keep project actions and results (ecurriculum program and e-modules…etc) and as an interactive communication tool for the project stakeholders and the wider community.
  3. e-modules: E-modules will be developed in accordance with the e-curriculum program.




The project aims to develop Learning Hub “Digital transformation” to support adult educators and adult education organisations in the path to digital transformation for high-quality inclusive online training corresponding to learners’ needs.

Project title: TRANSFORM – Digital transformation in adult education for inclusive online training
Project No: 2021-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000035360
Project coordinator: Social Innovation Fund, Lithuania
Contact person at VMU: Prof. Margarita Teresevičienė margarita.tereseviciene@vdu.lt
Project run: 3o months (01/01/2022– 30/06/2024)
Project webpage: https://transform.lpf.lt/


Project partners:

  2. MT: Motivation Technologies, Latvia
  3. ALLI: Athens Lifelong Learning Institute, Greece
  4. VMU: Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

Project activities:

  1. To support resilience and to build capacity of adult education organisations and their educational staff for implementing the digital transformation to digital transformation for high-quality inclusive online training.
  2. To develop adult educators’ digital competence for providing the high-quality inclusive online training.
  3. To assess the adult educators’ digital competence with the possibility to provide micro-credentials.
  4. To support adult educators-facilitators to provide online training on digital transformation for adult educators.
  5. To integrate the digital technology to subject-specific online training on gender equality.
  6. To promote inclusion of adult learners facing gender-discrimination barriers into the labour market and society.

Project TRANSFORM partners meeting in Athens

Synergies among international projects addressing online teaching and learning challenges






The project aims – is to support HE teachers and HE institutions to design and implement transparent assessment for online learning and recognition of learning outcomes by proposing methodology, guidelines, practical tools and training material to develop their digital competences.

Project title: Transparent Assessment for Online Learning by Digitally Competent Professors
Project No:  2021-1-LT01-KA220-HED-000031154
Project coordinator: Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
Contact person at VMU: A. Volungeviciene  airina.volungeviciene@vdu.lt
Project run: 36 moths (January 2022 – December 2024)
Project budget: 295 944 Eur


  1. Vytautas Magnus University, (Lithuania)
  2. EDEN Digital Learning Europe Mittetulundusühing, (Estonia)
  6. Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW), (Germany)

Project result:

  1. Design transparent assessment strategies for online learning in HE. Training material for HE teachers.
  2. Monitor, support and engage students based on the evidence generated by digital technologies. Training material for HE teachers.
  3. Ensuring digital and micro credentialization of learning as a part of transparent assessment for recognition of learning outcomes. Training material for HE teachers.
  4. The guidelines for HE institutions to implement transparent assessment of learning outcomes for online and blended learning, leading to digital and micro-credentials.
  5. 10 courses for virtual and blended cooperation of consortium institutions.















Digital Micro-Credentials in Higher Education





The aim of the project is to describe and create the process of issuing micro-credentials in higher education.

Project title: Digital Micro-Credentials in Higher Education
Project No: 13.1.1-LMT-K-718-05-0003
Project coordinator: Vytautas Magnus University
Contact person at VMU: E. Trepulė, elena.trepule@vdu.lt
Project duration: 22 months (November 2021 – August 2023)
Project budget:
299 988,22 EUR

The project will be implemented through main activities:

1.To describe the process of integration of micro-credentials into study process through revealing their potential to foster social, economic and higher education innovations, as well as contribution to the sustainable post Covid-19 pandemic recovery;

Output – published scientific article: Tamoliune, G., Greenspon, R., Volungeviciene, A., Tereseviciene, M., Trepule, E., Dauksiene, E. (2023). Exploring the potential of micro-credentials: A systematic literature review. Frontiers in Education. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.1006811

2. To describe requirements for the micro-credentials’ implementation process;

3. To adapt the open learning environment to the process of digital micro-credential implementation;

Output – virtual learning environment adapted for issuing micro-credentials https://smartmoodle.vdu.lt/

4. To pilot the process of issuing micro-credentials and to present its potential to foster social, economic and higher education innovations to interested parties, along with the contribution to the sustainable post Covid-19 pandemic recovery.

This project has received funding from European Regional Development Fund (project No 13.1.1-LMT-K-718-05-0003) under grant agreement with the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT). It is funded as European Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lecture “The perspective of online study through the eyes of a digitally competent lecturer”

COIMBRA University Group International Seminar

International conference at the Latvian College of Business Administration

University: Future Festival 2023

Conference Quality of virtual studies

Plenary presentation at the Osijek University International Conference

Active Class

The project aims at creating methodology and teacher best practice and scenarios collections that enable teachers in activating students in online classes

Project title: Active Class: Activating Students in Online Classes
Project No: 2020-1-PL01-KA226-HE-096358
Project coordinator: University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland)
Contact person at VMU: E. Daukšienė estela.dauksiene@vdu.lt
Project website: https://us.edu.pl/en/ksztalcenie/projekty-edukacyjne/dla-pracownikow/active-class/
Project run: 24 moths (March 2021 – February 2023)
Project budget:
214 650EUR

Project partners:

  1. Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
  2. Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria)

Project results:

Related News


“Active Class” project training on the flipped classroom for active student engagement

Synergies among international projects addressing online teaching and learning challenges

VMU teacher trainings “How to apply ‘flipped class’ methodology for online teaching”

Active Class project multiplier event for T4EU Alliance teachers




The project aims to come up with a data structure of course and content typology based on current European and national standards and new research. The resulting grid of extra metadata enables a better mapping and manageability of their badges for VET, HE and CPD institutions. Based on the grid, an open source displayer will be developed, accompanied by a 30 hours course on open badges and DSCs targeted to the issuers and validators to support the implementation of the displayer platform in their institutions.

Project title: Digitally Signed Credentials and Open Badges in VET and HE
Project No: 2020-1-HU01-KA202-078793
Project coordinator: Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem (Hungary)
Contact person at VMU: A. Volungeviciene  airina.volungeviciene@vdu.lt
Project run: 24 moths (November 2020 – October 2022)
Project budget:
263 265EUR


Intellectual Outputs:

  1. Report on the skills for open badges and digitally signed credentials in the new era;
  2. Development of open badge displayer;
  3. Development of the course on open badges;
  4. Lessons Learned Kit and DISCO platform user guide.



The project aims  to contribute to teacher education for sustainability (EduS) in different European countries.

Project title: TEDS – Teacher education for sustainability. Schools educating for sustainability: proposals for and from in-service teacher education
Project No:
Project web page:
Project coordinator: Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal)
Contact person at VMU: A. Volungeviciene  airina.volungeviciene@vdu.lt
Project run: 40 months (September 2019 – December 2022)



  1. Framework for EduS
  2. Report about of social representations of teachers and teacher educators on EduS
  3. Multimodal in-service teacher education programs
  4. Multimodal case studies
  5. Framework of in-service teacher education for EduS

Designing digital environment for modern studies

kuriame lietuvos ateitį

The project aims to develop large scope university model, responding to optimization challenges that universities are faced with.

Project title: Large scope university development in the context of university restructurization
Project No:
Project coordinator: Vytautas Magnus University (VMU)
Contact person at VMU: Lina Kaminskiene, lina.kaminskiene@vdu.lt
Digitalization action: Airina Volungeviciene  airina.volungeviciene@vdu.lt
Project run: 24 months (September 2019 – August 2021)
Project budget:
3.800.000,00 EUR

Activity No. 2. Designing digital environment for modern studies

  1. Modernization of virtual learning environment.
  2. Establishment of virtual didactical laboratory with the tools for digitally competent teacher.
  3. Development of the continuous professional development programs “Digitally competent teacher in higher education” and “Digitally competent school teacher”.