Recommendations for teachers before the start of the new semester

With 2025 spring semester approaching quickly, we kindly remind you and recommend updating the following information in your Moodle courses:

  1. Check whether the course code(s) in the Moodle environment and the study program network and/teacher portal.
  2. Please note that it is necessary to update the MS Teams meeting/room links in the course (delete the previous semester and create new one). How to create MS Teams meeting room in Moodle
  3. Update the dates of existing activities. It is possible to check and see the set dates of all activities at once -> Administration -> Course administration -> Reports -> Dates.
  4. Pay attention to whether the educational material is available (visible) to students (you can check this by activating the student role by clicking on your name in the upper right corner in Moodle and then Switch role to -> Student).
  5. Delete messages from previous semesters that were sent to the learners via discussion forum.
  6. Update the study description (the student guide).
  7. Delete student test attempts from the previous semester (it is required if you want to add/delete questions in the test activity).
  8. View whether uploaded video materials (videos, links, etc.) are available to students.
  9. Pay attention whether the authorship in your uploaded slides is indicated.

Wishing a happy holiday season

2024 European Online and Distance Learning Week

EDEN is hosting the European Online and Distance Learning Week (EODLW) for the sixth time. Virtual events takes place on 11-15th of November.

This week will be a good time to discuss and exchange experience and examples good practice in open, and digital education, and practices on the use of AI in education and we want to contemplate how we want teaching and learning to look like. During EODLW, you will have access to daily online webinars and panel sessions of expert scholars and practitioners who will present best practices and expertise in online and distance education as well as discuss with the audience the challenges in shaping the future of education and how we can more fully harness the potential of new models of online and distance learning.

More information about EDEN European Online and Distance Learning week, presentation time and moderators and speakers of each day can be found at EDEN website.

The participation in this event is free. We invite you to register and actively participate.

EDEN 2024 PhD Schools’ Masterclass

EDEN PhD Masterclass took place in Timisoara on October 16, 2024.

The Master Speakers addressrf the topic of digital pedagogy through several technological developments.

Prof. Airina Volungevičienė, professor at the Academy of Education at Vytautas Magnus University made a keynote with the introduction to the problem field „Arguments for Research of Artificial intelligence in education”.

The record of the presentation can be found here.

Le_MOON project Multiplier Event in Lithuania

On the 24th of September, 2024, Multiplier Event of the project “Le_MOON – Love Earth to the Moon and Back : Development of ECurriculum on Climate Change and Environmental Education for Secondary Education Students in Online Learning Platform” took place at Vytautas Magnus university, Kaunas. The main project outputs were presented for academics, teachers, educators, employers, youth workers, researchers, information technology specialists, students, parents, policymakers, educational content and material developers.

The event started with the presentation of objectives and activities of the international project. Then these project outputs were presented:

The need for environmental education, climate change and public health to be taught as a separate course or integrated into school education was discussed with the community.

More information about the project and results available at the Le_MOON project website.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

International project Miss4Health meeting in Rijeka

The international partners’ meeting of the Micro-credentials in Soft Skills for Healthcare Professionals and Students (Miss4Health) project took place from 16 to 19 September 2024. During the meeting, the project activities were discussed and the principles for the development of MOOCs were presented. The criteria for issuing digital microcredentials were discussed, as well as the preparation of the virtual learning environment for the digital microcredentialing process.

International Doctoral Summer School

We at Vytautas Magnus University are excited to invite you to join us for the 6th International Doctoral Summer School, “From Literature Review to Scientific Report,” taking place online from August 21-23, 2024

The school is organized by an international university network of six countries: Lithuania (Vytautas Magnus University, Klaipeda University), Latvia (Daugavpils University, Liepaja Academy of Riga Technical University, Ventspils University, Turiba University), Serbia (Novi Sad University, the Czech Republic (Hradec Kralove University), Finland (University of Eastern Finland), Poland (Warsaw University of Life Sciences).

The plenary speech was read by the Director of Institute for Study Innovations, prof. Airina Volungevičienė.  August 23 Keynote speech: “Artificial intelligence in research in education”.

Presentation slides

Keynote record

Program of the Summer School

Recommendations for teachers before the start of the new semester

With 2024 autumn semester approaching quickly, we kindly remind you and recommend updating the following information in your Moodle courses:

  1. Check whether the course code(s) in the Moodle environment and the study program network and/teacher portal.
  2. Please note that it is necessary to update the MS Teams meeting/room links in the course (delete the previous semester and create new one). How to create MS Teams meeting room in Moodle
  3. Update the dates of existing activities. It is possible to check and see the set dates of all activities at once -> Administration -> Course administration -> Reports -> Dates.
  4. Pay attention to whether the educational material is available (visible) to students (you can check this by activating the student role by clicking on your name in the upper right corner in Moodle and then Switch role to -> Student).
  5. Delete messages from previous semesters that were sent to the learners via discussion forum.
  6. Update the study description (the student guide).
  7. Delete student test attempts from the previous semester (it is required if you want to add/delete questions in the test activity).
  8. View whether uploaded video materials (videos, links, etc.) are available to students.
  9. Pay attention whether the authorship in your uploaded slides is indicated.

Guest from University of New York Tirana

On April 26, it was a great pleasure to receive a guest at the of Institute for Study Innovations Assoc. Prof. Narasimha Rao VAJJHALA from University of New York Tirana, Albania.
During the meeting, we presented the activities of Institute for Study Innovations. That is, research areas have been introduced. The Vytautas Magnus Univertity online learning environment Moodle was shown and presented. We introduced Quality Assurance Metodology for online (and blended) studies and discussed about micro-credentials, how to issue them from Moodle and Europass.

Assoc. Prof. Narasimha Rao VAJJHALA briefly introduced the university, shared his experience of the university, how studies are conducted. We discussed about online and blended learning possibilities and impact to the quality of studies.

First face-to-face international meeting of the Miss4Health project in Kaunas



On March 13-14, 2024, the first face-to-face international meeting of the project took place in Kaunas Micro-credentials in Soft Skills for Healthcare Professionals and Students (Miss4Health) partner meeting. During the meeting, the project partners briefly introduced themselves and introduced the institutions they came from.

Institutions involved in the project:

  1. CCMIJU – Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón (Spain)
  2. CUNI – Charles University (Czech Republic)
  3. VMU – Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
  4. TU – Turiba University (Latvia)
  5. UNIRI – University of Rijeka (Croatia)
  6. VIRAL Studios (Spain)

During the meeting, it was discussed how the dissemination of the project will be carried out, what a micro-credential is and how it will be issued from a online learning environment. Future courses and their management and quality plan criteria were also discussed. The future website of the project was presented and other organizational issues related to the project were also discussed.