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2018 European Distance Learning Week

This year EDEN will be proudly hosting the third year of the European Distance Learning Week (EDLW) in cooperation with the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA), which will be holding its National Distance Learning Week (NDLW) in parallel with the EDEN event. During EDLW, you will hav...

10th EDEN Research workshop

The 10th EDEN Research workshop was held on 24-26 October in Barcelona at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) with great success. Over 130 registered participants from 20 countries (7 from outside Europe) attended the workshop and a pre-conference PhD Symposium was held with 30 scholars presen...

Panel “Global University”

What is the University of the Future? How global, digital, equitable and lifelong learning it is and should be? - University of the Future network organizes symposium in University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. The director of Institute of Innovative Studies participated in the Panel “Globa...

Exchange of good practices in innovative teaching

The Polish National Agency for Erasmus+ Programme, Foundation for the Development of the Education System organized the seminar “Innovate your teaching through methods like gamification, e-learning, Design Thinking, Project Based Learning, use of new technologies in higher education” on the on 26-28...

EDEN Research Workshop 2018

We invite you to register in the EDEN Research Workshop 2018. More information ...

Meeting of VOCAL project partners in Riga

On August 30, 2018, the final partner meeting of the Vocational Online Collaboration for Active Learning (VOCAL) project took place in Riga. Project partners: Vytautas Magnus University – VMU, Lithuania Budapest University of Technology and Economics – BME, Hungary Baden-Würtemberg Coo...