
The project aims  to develop a self-reflection tool that will help European higher education institutions develop and enhance their strategic approaches for digitalisation.

Project title: DIGI-HE a Strategic Reflection Tool on Digitalisation at European Higher Education Institutions
Project No:
Project web page:
Project coordinator: European University Association (EUA)
Contact person at VMU: A. Volungeviciene  airina.volungeviciene@vdu.lt
Project run: 36 months (January 2020 – December 2023)
Project budget:
471,204.00 EUR


Workpackage results:

  1. Survey on digitalisation at European HEIs.
  2. Report with results from desk research and survey.
  3. DIGI-HE technical tool – online platform (interactive tool).
  4. Guidelines for HEIs to use DIGI-HE.
  5. Online publication on the DIGI-HE experience.
  6. Awareness-raising webinars.

The development of a strategic planning and evaluation tool

VMU with DIGI-HE project partners, prepared a report

DIGI-HE Webinar series: A strategic reflection on digitalisation in higher education

Developing Higher Education Teachers’ Performance (delivered Desk research)

VMU in EUA Workshop Developing a high-performance digital education ecosystem: strategy and organizational culture

Digitization strategy of the University’s academic activities in Vytautas Magnus University

Workshop: Developing a high-performance digital education ecosystem: institutional self-assessment

VMU professors participated in the workshop DIGI-HE Workshop

VMU participated in European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN) Research Workshop 2022, Dubrovnik

Mid-term event Sustainable and forward-looking approaches to digitally enhanced learning and teaching

Lecture “The perspective of online study through the eyes of a digitally competent lecturer”

COIMBRA University Group International Seminar

International conference at the Latvian College of Business Administration


University: Future festival 2023

Conference Quality of virtual studies

Plenary presentation at the Osijek University International Conference