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Tony Bates Book “Teaching in a Digital Age”

Teachers, instructors and faculty are facing unprecedented change, with often larger classes, more diverse students, demands from government and employers who want more accountability and the development of graduates who are workforce ready, from parents who want more flexibility, and above all, we ...

Discussion and presentation of the Digiprof project on sustainable development at TGM

The project Transparent Assessment for Online Learning by Digitally Competent Professors (DigiProf) was presented at the events of the National Distance Learning Week on November 4. The week of distance studies was organized by Lithuanian Association of Distance and e-Learning (LieDM). The theme o...

2022 European Online and Distance Learning Week

EDEN is hosting the European Online and Distance Learning Week (EODLW) for the sixth time. Virtual events takes place on 7-11th of November. This week will be a good time to discuss and exchange experience and examples of good practice in open, online and distance education, to get new ideas and ne...

Active Class project multiplier event for T4EU Alliance teachers

The first Transform4Europe International Conference-Hackathon for the Innovative Teaching and Learning Methods in Higher Education was held at Vytautas Magnus University on October 24th-27th, 2022. On the last day of the conference, on October 27, the "Active class" project and its results were pres...

Mid-term event Sustainable and forward-looking approaches to digitally enhanced learning and teaching

On 12 October 2022, a Thematic Peer Group (TPG) Mid-term event Sustainable and forward-looking approaches to digitally enhanced learning and teaching, organized by European University Association (EUA) together with DIGI-HE project team. The online event consisted of a panel discussion with all thre...

EDEN Research Workshop in Dubrovnik

Researchers from Education Academy and Institute for Study Innovations participated in EDEN Research Workshop in Dubrovnik and presented research results and outputs from international projects in the area of digitally competent organizations, application of learning analytics as a metacognitive too...