
Lifelong learning programmeubicamp_logo

The main aim of the UBIcamp project is to make virtual mobility a mainstream opportunity for all parties involved (teachers, students and institutions). UBIcamp proposes a comprehensive solution that addresses all the barriers and difficulties of virtual mobility nowadays.

Project title: UBIcamp: Integrated Solution to Virtual Mobility Barriers
Project No. 526843-LLP-1-2012-ES-ERASMUS-ESMO
Project web page: https://ubicamp.uniovi.es
Project coordinator: University of Oviedo http://www.uniovi.es
Contact person at VDU: A.Volungevičienė, airina.volungeviciene@vdu.lt
Project run: 30 months (01/10/2012 – 31/03/2015)
Project partners:
  • University of Southampton (United Kingdom)
  •  Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
  • Yasar University (Turkey)
  • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
  • Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)

The specific objectives of UBIcamp project are:

  • Develop a “Virtual Mobility Practical Framework” that defines quality criteria and standards for different elements which are necessary for implementation of virtual mobility in HEIs (Organizational elements; Technological; Pedagogic/ didactical elements; Cultural elements.
  • Creation of open educational resources based on the standards defined and linked to several subjects identified by partners. The aim is to achieve maximum reuse of the contents at European level.
  • Integration of the cultural element into the virtual learning processes. Digital content will be created to conduct the student autonomously through the most important cultural aspects of the place visited virtually, touristic information, traditions, press, entertainment, etc.
  • Creation of virtual environments for sharing experiences. In this case, it is important that the digital elements facilitate the students shared experiences with their virtual mates, both those shared by the virtual experience itself and those in the real environment.
  • Developing training materials and implementing training sessions in at least 35 Universities in Europe, involving students, teachers, Erasmus officers and administrators.
  • Raise awareness of virtual mobility among HEIs. Some workshops and presentation seminars will be organized in order to disseminate the advantages that virtual mobility presents. Also, these events will be used to encourage institutions to participate in virtual mobility activities.
  • Testing the “virtual mobility practical framework” through the implementation of Virtual Erasmus Exchanges among those Universities that have been trained and wish to participate.
  • Dissemination of project results widely at national and European level.