Project presentations
- Open collaboration in the development of online innovative curriculum for work – based learning, Vida Žvinienė
- European Distance Learning Week: “Designing open and non-formal curriculum for recognition. ReOPEN project approach”, Airina Volungevičienė
- OUVM project presentation Airina Volungevičienė
- UNESCO IITE Open Lectures Airina Volungevičienė
Links to project descriptions

Project aim - to foster open and international professional collaboration for innovation by training them to openly collaborate in the development of online innovative curriculum designing using open educational resources. (more…)...

Project aim - to create instruments to develop validated OOL for recognition of prior and non-formal learning. Project name: ReOPEN: Recognition of Valid and Open Learning Project No.: 2016-1-LT01-KA202-023131 Project website: Project coordinator: Vyta...

The aim of this project is to open university studies for VM by training teachers and academic staff on how to design master study program curriculum using OER and applying correct licensing, how to establish collaborative trusted relationships in curriculum designing for multicultural exch...

The core mission of the project is to propose and critically, to validate new ways to organise the development process of courses and learning materials as well as practices. Thus, the project does not create great-impact on its own, but, by providing a proof-of-concept, should see greater impact ...

The main aim of the UBIcamp project is to make virtual mobility a mainstream opportunity for all parties involved (teachers, students and institutions). UBIcamp proposes a comprehensive solution that addresses all the barriers and difficulties of virtual mobility nowadays. Project title: ...

OpenScout aims at accelerating the use, improvement and distribution of open content in the field of management education and training with a focus on SMEs and continuous training by providing skill-based search of content to large communities for learning – either in professional user communities...