




The project annotation. The main objective of the MISS4Health project is to improve the transversal competencies of healthcare professionals and medical students, focusing on the development of their soft skills, using a modular Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) leading to micro-credentials (that at the EU level that certify the developed competencies). MISS4Health includes four work packages covering curricular design, content creation, micro-credentials establishment and interactive resources implementation, as well as a double loop validation that assures the overall quality of the MOOC. Additionally, management, quality, dissemination, and sustainability plans will conduct the project and contribute to its widespread impact. And finally, several intangible results will be obtained, such as feedback and motivation of end-users and stakeholders.

Project title: Micro-credentials in Soft Skills for Healthcare Professionals and Students
Project No: 2023-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000159335
Project coordinator: University of Hradec Králové (Czech Republic )
Contact persons at VMU: Assoc.prof. Estela Daukšienė, estela.dauksiene@vdu.lt

prof. A. Volungeviciene,  airina.volungeviciene@vdu.lt

Project run: 30 months (November 2023 – April 2026)
Project budget: 400.000 EUR
Project page: https://miss4health.eu/


  1. CCMIJU – Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón (Spain)
  2. CUNI – Charles University (Czech Republic)
  3. VMU – Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
  4. TU – Turiba University (Latvia)
  5. UNIRI – University of Rijeka (Croatia)
  6. VIRAL Studios (Spain)

Project result:

MISS4Health will produce a high quality and validated MOOC based on micro-credentials. Besides, learning materials including guidelines and recommendations will be created. Additionally, management, quality, dissemination, and sustainability plans will conduct the project and contribute to its widespread impact. And finally, several intangible results will be obtained, such as feedback and motivation of end-users and stakeholders.

The first meeting of the MISS4Health project took place

First face-to-face international meeting of the Miss4Health project in Kaunas