
Project aim – to create instruments to develop validated OOL for recognition of prior and non-formal learning.

Project name: ReOPEN: Recognition of Valid and Open Learning
Project No.: 2016-1-LT01-KA202-023131
Project website:
Project coordinator: Vytautas Magnus University (
Contact person VMU: A.Volungevičienė
Project duration:
24 moths (November 1, 2016 – October 31, 2018)

Project partners:

  • Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuaia
  • ESCP Europe Wirtschafthochschule, Germany
  • Q21, Germany
  • University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre – SRCE, Croatia
  • European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), United Kingdom

Project results:

  • To design a platform for non-formal open learning curriculum (e.g. MOOC) development with learning validation and recognition instruments in place (learner credentials, digital badges, learning path recognition and assessment tools);
  • To train T&TT at C-VET organizations, companies, HE institutions and adult learning organizations to:
    a. design validated non-formal open learning curriculum (e.g. MOOC or other)
    b. apply of digital badges as a new form of digital credentialisation and tracking one’s learning path in non-formal open learning
    c. recognize non-formal open learning results in formal curricular;
  • To exploit the new platform and to design non-formal open learning courses for continuous professional staff developing applying learning recognition instruments for validated non-formal open learning;
  • To establish partnership for future collaboration for non-formal open learning recognition (reviewing curriculum in partner institutions and preparing information on potential recognition of open learning).

Related news:

ReOPEN project kick-off meting in Kaunas

ReOpen questionnaire on ICT platform requirements

Free training material for you!

ReOPEN project short – term joint staff training week

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Issues of open learning recognition in ReOPEN newsletter

Recognition of Valid and Open Learning (ReOPEN)