ECCOE kick-off meeting, Heilbronn

From October 8th to 10th 2019, the ECCOE partners came together in Heilbronn, Germany for the kick-off meeting of the ECCOE project. The meeting was hosted by the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg / DHBW).

This meeting was the first opportunity for partners from France, Malta, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Germany to meet face to face. We had already held an online meeting right at the launch of the project in September, but even though we’re all experienced in remote working, and many of us have worked together on other projects, a physical meeting is vital for more in-depth discussion, and of course to develop group cohesion around a common goal. Indeed, forging and fostering interpersonal, working relationships is vital to a project’s success, and we all felt that, by the end of the three days, we had succeeded in refining our shared understanding of what we want to achieve in ECCOE, and in determining how we would work together over the coming three years.

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