Doctoral research symposium on WCOL

World Conference of Online Learning will be opened with Doctoral research symposium on Sunday, November 3rd, 2019, at St. Patric’s Campus of DCU.

This time Doctoral research symposium is organized by EDEN and National Institute of Digital Learning in Ireland. Airina Volungeviciene will open the Doctoral research symposium on behalf of EDEN, and will moderate one PhD students workshop “Finding the Nugget and Planting the Seed – Present your Findings and cultivate your academic identity”.

The workshop participants will be asked to reflect on their own role as students, and as persons in the research field.
Airina will start with the presentation from an experienced researcher on the path she has walked regarding the research, from PhD student to today. Encompass elements of how they established themselves within their field, the role of networking (and perhaps “marketing”), their career path and of cultivating a sense of identity in their role.

Then participants of the workshop will reflect on their visibility and identity through:

1. Online presence – social media (Twitter etc.).
2. Academic blogging and disseminating your work through various means.
3. Researchgate, and other professional instruments.
4. The importance of perception, but also of authenticity.