Project aim – to foster open and international professional collaboration for innovation by training them to openly collaborate in the development of online innovative curriculum designing using open educational resources.



Project aim – to create instruments to develop validated OOL for recognition of prior and non-formal learning.

Project name: ReOPEN: Recognition of Valid and Open Learning
Project No.: 2016-1-LT01-KA202-023131
Project website:
Project coordinator: Vytautas Magnus University (
Contact person VMU: A.Volungevičienė
Project duration:
24 moths (November 1, 2016 – October 31, 2018)

Project partners:

  • Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuaia
  • ESCP Europe Wirtschafthochschule, Germany
  • Q21, Germany
  • University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre – SRCE, Croatia
  • European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), United Kingdom

Project results:

  • To design a platform for non-formal open learning curriculum (e.g. MOOC) development with learning validation and recognition instruments in place (learner credentials, digital badges, learning path recognition and assessment tools);
  • To train T&TT at C-VET organizations, companies, HE institutions and adult learning organizations to:
    a. design validated non-formal open learning curriculum (e.g. MOOC or other)
    b. apply of digital badges as a new form of digital credentialisation and tracking one’s learning path in non-formal open learning
    c. recognize non-formal open learning results in formal curricular;
  • To exploit the new platform and to design non-formal open learning courses for continuous professional staff developing applying learning recognition instruments for validated non-formal open learning;
  • To establish partnership for future collaboration for non-formal open learning recognition (reviewing curriculum in partner institutions and preparing information on potential recognition of open learning).

Related news:

ReOPEN project kick-off meting in Kaunas

ReOpen questionnaire on ICT platform requirements

Free training material for you!

ReOPEN project short – term joint staff training week

ReOPEN multiplier event “Open Studies for Open Society”

Issues of open learning recognition in ReOPEN newsletter

Recognition of Valid and Open Learning (ReOPEN)


Erasmus +       ou_vm

The aim of this project is to open university studies for VM by training teachers and academic staff on how to design master study program curriculum using OER and applying correct licensing, how to establish collaborative trusted relationships in curriculum designing for multicultural exchange and how to integrate these opening education innovations in every day practices. In order to reach this aim, the following objectives will be met in the project:

Project title: OUVM, Opening Universities for Virtual Mobility
Project No. 2014-1-LT01-KA203-000550
Project web page:
Project coordinator: Vytautas Magnus university (VMU)
Contact person at VMU: A.Volungeviciene
Project run: 24 moths (September 1, 2014 – August 31, 2016)
Total cost: 277 455 €

Project partners:

  • Vytautas Magnus university, Lithuania
  • University of Pavia, Italy
  • University of Oviedo, Spain
  • University of Leuven, Belgium
  • University of Aberta, Portugal

In order to reach this aim, the following objectives will be met in the project:

  1. Training material for teachers and university staff will be developed on VM curriculum designing using, OER and creative commons (CC) licenses.
  2. Staff from consortium universities will be trained during short – term mobility visits on VM curriculum designing (using OER and CC licenses).
  3. Consortium universities will develop VM curriculum (modules) for a Master degree program (field – Education sciences) in a collaborative way by teachers from consortium universities. Each partner will lead the development of at least 2 modules. In total we plan to have a master level study program in Education science composed of 10 modules. The modules will be developed using the best experience from the partners’ universities in the field of education, ICT, management and etc. which means that the program will be interdisciplinary, covering modules from the field of education, IT, management, etc. It will be used as a unique on-line program or splitted and used by modules. It could be implemented later by each partner individually or in cooperation with one or two partners. During the project period, the partners will decide and agree on the intellectual property rights, further implementation of this program and other related issues.
  4. Curriculum developed for master program will be implemented in VM mode with Master students from consortium institutions.


Lifelong learning programme

The core mission of the project is to propose and critically, to validate new ways to organise the development process of courses and learning materials as well as practices. Thus, the project does not create great-impact on its own, but, by providing a proof-of-concept, should see greater impact after the end of its life, as institutions and teachers emulate its proposals.

Project title: Open Educational Ideas and Innovations (OEI2) – towards open idea and innovation sharing for learning, education and training
Project No. 539990-LLP-1-2013-1-FI-ERASMUS-EQMC
Project coordinator: University of Jyväskylä, Finland (
Contact person at VMU: A.Volungevičienė,
Project run: 27 moths (November, 2013 – January, 2016)
Total cost: 533 555 €

Project partners:

  • University of Jyväskylä (JYU)
  • ESCP Europe Business School (ESCP)
  • UNational Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (NSCR)
  • Vytautas Magnus University (VMU)
  • Duale Hochschule Baden Württemberg (DHBW)
  • European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning (EFQUEL) (Belgium)


Lifelong learning programmeubicamp_logo

The main aim of the UBIcamp project is to make virtual mobility a mainstream opportunity for all parties involved (teachers, students and institutions). UBIcamp proposes a comprehensive solution that addresses all the barriers and difficulties of virtual mobility nowadays.

Project title: UBIcamp: Integrated Solution to Virtual Mobility Barriers
Project No. 526843-LLP-1-2012-ES-ERASMUS-ESMO
Project web page:
Project coordinator: University of Oviedo
Contact person at VDU: A.Volungevičienė,
Project run: 30 months (01/10/2012 – 31/03/2015)
Project partners:
  • University of Southampton (United Kingdom)
  •  Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
  • Yasar University (Turkey)
  • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
  • Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)

The specific objectives of UBIcamp project are:

  • Develop a “Virtual Mobility Practical Framework” that defines quality criteria and standards for different elements which are necessary for implementation of virtual mobility in HEIs (Organizational elements; Technological; Pedagogic/ didactical elements; Cultural elements.
  • Creation of open educational resources based on the standards defined and linked to several subjects identified by partners. The aim is to achieve maximum reuse of the contents at European level.
  • Integration of the cultural element into the virtual learning processes. Digital content will be created to conduct the student autonomously through the most important cultural aspects of the place visited virtually, touristic information, traditions, press, entertainment, etc.
  • Creation of virtual environments for sharing experiences. In this case, it is important that the digital elements facilitate the students shared experiences with their virtual mates, both those shared by the virtual experience itself and those in the real environment.
  • Developing training materials and implementing training sessions in at least 35 Universities in Europe, involving students, teachers, Erasmus officers and administrators.
  • Raise awareness of virtual mobility among HEIs. Some workshops and presentation seminars will be organized in order to disseminate the advantages that virtual mobility presents. Also, these events will be used to encourage institutions to participate in virtual mobility activities.
  • Testing the “virtual mobility practical framework” through the implementation of Virtual Erasmus Exchanges among those Universities that have been trained and wish to participate.
  • Dissemination of project results widely at national and European level.



OpenScout aims at accelerating the use, improvement and distribution of open content in the field of management education and training with a focus on SMEs and continuous training by providing skill-based search of content to large communities for learning – either in professional user communities (via integration with LMS systems) as well as to open web 2.0 communities (via integration to social network platforms).

Project title OpenScout – Skill based scouting of open user-generated and community-improved content for management education and training
Project number ECP 2008 EDU 428016
Project coordinator University of Jyvaskyla
Contact person Jan M.Pawlowski, (
Contact person at VMU Airina Volungevičienė, (
Project run September, 2009 – August, 2012


  • Open Universiteit Nederland (The Netherlands)
  • The Open University (UK)
  • SPK PLATO™ / PLATO Network (Belgium)
  • IMC information multimedia communication AG (Germany)
  • Giunti Interactive Labs S.r.l. (Italy)
  • EFMD European Foundation for Management Development (Belgium)
  • INSEAD (France)
  • University of Sofia – Institute of Technology and Development (Bulgaria)
  • Josef Stefan Institute – JSI (Slovenia)
  • Vytautas Magnus University – VMU (Lithuania)
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover / L3S Research Center (LUH, Germany)
  • Hypatia AS (Norway)
  • Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Information Technology (FIT, Germany)
  • ESCP-EAP Europäische Wirtschaftshochschule Berlin e.V. (ESCP-EAP)
  • Brunel University – School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics (UK)
  • UNED (Spain)
  • National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (Greece)
Project goals:
The project covers the whole value-chain of user-generated and community-improved content: from skill-based search/retrieval to support of users to improve existing and generate new contents.
There is an ever growing need for management education and related content in all education segments and application fields. A large amount of open educational resources on management topics is already available, but this open content is significantly underused in the business sector, and particularly in SMEs where the need for lifelong learning is even greater. In contrast to other domains, user involvement in the field of education and training is still low. In many web communities, new contents and artefacts are developed, such as open source software. Even though there is a lot of initial material for learning and training purposes, only very few users work on localizing, improving or adapting those materials. Thus the target application of OpenScout is “continuous learning in management”, an ideal area to demonstrate the impact of our innovative approach to open content uptake, re-use and improvement, as well as its generalisability to other application areas and types of content.