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OER17 Conference

OER17: The Politics of Open Conference will take place at 5 & 6 April 2017, Resource for London, UK. Conference Themes: Local, national, and international policy and practice Institutional/organisational politics Participation & social equality Open Party Lancaster Univer...

Cable Green record about open source licenses

Cable Green presented the open source licenses and open educational resources. Submitted examples of how various organizations became more open. Record:

Teachers training on 8-12 May 2017 in Kaunas, Lithuania

With the aim to develop open, inclusive and innovative educational practices, in November 2016 partners from Hungary, Germany, Spain, Lithuania and Latvia launched the Vocational online collaboration for learning - VOCAL project in the frame of Erasmus+ program. The project aims to foster the open ...

Invitation to Open Education Week 2017

Open Education Week 2017 March 27-31 days. More information can be found You can find a list of events

ReOpen questionnaire on ICT platform requirements

During ReOpen project questionnaire has been developed and spread to partners and other institutions to fill and share experience and knowledge about learner credentials, non-formal learning regcognition in formal learning. If you have experience in this area please help ReOpen project and fill i...

Free webinar at 28 March 2017

Frederik Truyen from KU Leuven will give a presentation on the Creative use of Europeana content for open education  at 28 March 2017. Europeana is Europe’s main culture portal, with now about 50 million objects of Cultural Heritage, including documents, images, videos and audio recordings. It is we...